IELTS Writingタスク 1のグラフや表で使える単語・フレーズを紹介【保存版】

IELTS Writingタスク 1のグラフや表で使える単語・フレーズを紹介


ここではIELTS Writing Task1のイントロで使える主語(名詞)と動詞を紹介します。まずは問題文の置き換えを行います。



問題文:The bar chart below shows the percentage of Australian men and women in different age groups who did regular physical activity in 2010.

置き換え後:The graph illustrates the proportion of Australian people who exercise regularly by age and gender in 2010.

置き換えに使える主語 使い方
The figure The figure shows how many people travelled overseas.
The number of The number of children joining the football team in 2010 and 2020.
The graph The graph shows the comparison of waste disposal in Canada and America.
The diagram The diagram illustrates the process of changing the seasons from summer to winter.
置き換えに使える動詞 使い方
show The diagram shows the materials that go into the production of concrete.
illustrate The diagram illustrates the process of cement manufacture.
compare The line graph compares three types of traveller visiting New Zealand between 1997 and 2017





まとめに使える表現 意味 使い方
In conclusion 概要として In conclusion, the principal change to the town will be the construction of a ring road around the centre.
It is clear that ~なことは明らかだ It is clear that the majority of Americans ate in fast food restaurants between once a week and once a month in all three years.


IELTS Writingタスク1では主にふたつの文章を使って構成されていきます。その文章構造に追加して副詞や前置詞で内容を表すのが一般的です。

  • カテゴリー(1):動詞で状態を表現する方法
    例:The rate of emergency care attendants increased slightly.
  • カテゴリー(2):形容詞・名詞で状態を表現する方法
    例:There was a slight increase in the rate of emergency care attendants.

このカテゴリー(1)・(2)も同じ文章です。IELTS Writingタスク1では文法の知識というのが採点基準に含まれているため、IELTS6.5を獲得するためにはこの2つのパターンをマスターする必要があります。




フレーズ 意味 使い方
The proportion 割合 The proportion of mobile phone owners who recorded videos on their phones rose by 26%, from 9% to 35% between 2008 and 2010.
The ratio 割合 The ratio of patients in the hospital remained the same, compared to the last year.
The percentage 割合 The percentage of smokers in England decreased dramatically since 2014.
The figure The figures show teen obesity is on the rise.
The number The number of vegetarians in America doubled since 2000.
The graph グラフ The graph fluctuated widely in 2005, then remained flat after 2006.


動詞 意味 使い方
increase 増える Over the following five or six years, spending by all three types of traveller increased dramatically.
rise 増える Daily spending had risen to approximately $250, $210 and $140 respectively for vacationers.
go up 上がる The number of people who eat fast-food went up to 40% in Mexico.
double 2倍 The number of unemployed people doubled between 2005 and 2009.


動詞 意味 使い方
fell 落ちる The proportion of guests who considered the hotel’s customer service to be poor fell from 21% in 2005 to only 12% in 2010.
drop 落ちる The proportion of people who thought customer service was very poor dropped from 15% to only 4% over the 5-year period.
decrease 減る Over the next 3 years, sales of video games decreased by more than half.
reduce 減る Korea was the only country that managed to reduce its waste output by the year 2000.


単語 意味 使い方
recover 回復する The number of elderly people in Japan dropped by 3% in 2005 before recovering to the same levels in 2010.
level off 横ばいになる The number of people who write letters by hand levelled off in 2004
fluctuate 上下変動する The percentage of supplement takers fluctuated.


主語は先程イントロで紹介した「置き換えに使える主語」を利用するパターンと「There was~」で始める表現の2通りがあります。この文章を使うときのポイントとしては装飾として使われる形容詞が名詞の前にくるということです。



単語・フレーズ 使い方
showed The graph showed a significant decrease.
experienced Australian man experienced a dramatic increase.
saw The proportion of smokers saw a quick fall.
There was a There was a sudden change between A and B.


単語 使い方
increase The number of pubs in England experienced a gradual increase of 7% over the last 2 years.
rise The number of shoppers in big companies saw a quick rise from 2,000 to 70,000 in 5 years.
growth There was a constant growth for people who eat out in 2015, compared to them in 2000.


単語 使い方
decrease The number of British people who watched TVs experienced a significant decrease in 2001.
fall There was an abrupt fall in numbers of workers who served in the factory.
drop The number of waterfalls showed a considerable drop over the last 5 decades.


意味 副詞 形容詞
常に constantly constant
速く quickly quick
速く rapidly rapid
急に sharply sharp
急に suddenly sudden
急に steeply steep
激しく drastically drastic
激しく dramatically dramatic
大幅に significantly significant
大幅に considerably considerable
著しく noticeably noticeable
わずかに slightly slight
わずかに marginally marginal
適度に moderately moderate
徐々に gradually gradual
着実に steadily steady
穏やかに gently gentle
ゆっくり slowly slow







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