「Cambridge IELTS 13」Reading Test1-2『Why being bored is stimulating – and useful too』(p.21)の単語・フレーズ

「Cambridge IELTS 13」Reading Test1-2『Why being bored is stimulating - and useful too』(p.21)の単語・フレーズ

「Cambridge IELTS 13」Reading Test1-2『Why being bored is stimulating – and useful too』(p.21)の単語・フレーズの単語・フレーズをまとめました。

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Reading Test 1 Passage 2:Why being bored is stimulating – and useful too

  • keep on
    UK /kiːp/ US /kiːp/
    UK informal
    to continue to talk in an annoying way about something:
    1 keep on, keep on doing something (<…>し)続ける
    同意 continue
    2 keep on doing something 繰り返し[何度も]<…>する, しょっちゅう<…>してばかりいる
    3 keep on (keep on going とも 米) (一定方向に) 進み続ける
    4 keep somebody on <人>を雇い続ける
    同意 retain
  • stretch out [句動詞]
    1 be stretched out 寝そべっている
    2 stretch something ↔ out <手・腕・脚など>を伸ばす
    3 stretch something ↔ out <…>を引き延ばす, 長引かせる
    4 stretch out 〘インフォーマル〙 横になる
  • boredom
    noun [ U ]
    UK /ˈbɔː.dəm/ US /ˈbɔːr.dəm/
    the state of being bored:
    退屈, 倦怠(けんたい), うんざりした気分
  • apathy
    noun [ U ]
    UK /ˈæp.ə.θi/ US /ˈæp.ə.θi/
    behaviour that shows no interest or energy and shows that someone is unwilling to take action, especially over something important:
    無関心, 無気力
  • depression
    UK /dɪˈpreʃ.ən/ US /dɪˈpreʃ.ən/
    ・the state of feeling very unhappy and without hope for the future:
    ・a mental illness in which a person is very unhappy and anxious (= worried and nervous) for long periods and cannot have a normal life during these periods:
    ・a period in which there is very little business activity and not many jobs:
    ・an area where the air pressure is low:
    ・part of a surface that is slightly lower than the rest:
    1 《C, U》 憂鬱(ゆううつ), 沈鬱さ, ふさぎ込み
    2 《U》 鬱(うつ) 病, 抑鬱症
    3 《C, U》 不況, 不景気
    4 the (Great) Depression (1930年代の) (世界)大恐慌
    5 《C》 くぼみ, へこみ
    6 《C》 〘専門〙 低気圧
  • indifference
    noun [ U ]
    UK /ɪnˈdɪf.ər.əns/ US /ɪnˈdɪf.ɚ.əns/
    lack of interest in someone or something:
    無関心, 無頓着(とんちゃく)
  • restless
    UK /ˈrest.ləs/ US /ˈrest.ləs/
    unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm, because you are worried or bored:
    1 落ち着かない, そわそわした
    2 変化を求める, じっとしていない
    3 《名の前でのみ》 a restless night / sleep
  • disgust
    noun [ U ]
    UK /dɪsˈɡʌst/ US /dɪsˈɡʌst/
    a strong feeling of disapproval and dislike at a situation, person’s behaviour, etc.:
    verb [ T not continuous ]
    UK /dɪsˈɡʌst/ US /dɪsˈɡʌst/
    to make you feel extreme dislike or disapproval:
    1 嫌悪, 反感
    2 (生理的な) むかつき, 気持ち悪さ
    1 <人> に嫌悪[反感]を抱かせる, をうんざりさせる, むかつかせる
    2 <人> に吐き気を催させる, を気持ち悪くさせる
  • distinct
    UK /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ US /dɪˈstɪŋkt/
    ・clearly noticeable; that certainly exists:
    ・clearly separate and different (from something else):
    1 〘フォーマル〙 別個の, 別々の, 別種の
    2 まったく異なった, 対照的な, 独特の
    3 はっきりとわかる, すぐに気づく
    4 《名の前でのみ》 明らかな, 疑う余地のない
  • calibrate
    verb [ T ] ENGINEERING, SCIENCE specialized
    UK /ˈkæl.ɪ.breɪt/ US /ˈkæl.ə.breɪt/
    ・to mark units of measurement on an instrument such so that it can measure accurately:
    ・to check a measuring instrument to see if it is accurate
    1 <計器など> を調整する
    2 <計器など> に目盛りをつける
  • reactant
    noun [ C ] CHEMISTRY specialized
    UK /riˈæk.tənt/ US /riˈæk.tənt/
    a substance that is part of a chemical reaction
    (化学反応における) 反応物→ product
  • apathetic
    UK /ˌæp.əˈθet.ɪk/ US /ˌæp.əˈθet̬.ɪk/
    showing no interest or energy and unwilling to take action, especially over something important:
    やる気のない, 無関心の
  • plot
    UK /plɒt/ US /plɑːt/
    ・to mark or draw something on a piece of paper or a map
    ・to make marks to show the position, movement, or development of something, usually in the form of lines or curves between a series of points on a map or piece of paper:
    ・to make a secret plan to do something wrong, harmful, or illegal:
    ・to make a secret plan to do something funny or enjoyable to or for someone:
    ・to write the plot for something:
    1 a) 《他》 <政府転覆・暗殺など> を企てる, たくらむ
    b) 《自》 陰謀[策略]を企てる
    2 《他》 (plot out とも) <グラフ・線など> をかく
    3 《他》 (plot out とも) (地図などに) <航路・経路など> を記入する
    4 《他通例受け身形で》 <本・劇・映画など> の筋(立て)を練る
  • arousal
    noun [ U ]
    UK /əˈraʊ.zəl/ US /əˈraʊ.zəl/
    ・sexual excitement:
    ・the causing of strong feelings or excitement in someone:
    1 性的興奮
    2 (感情などの) 目覚め
  • explosive
    UK /ɪkˈspləʊ.sɪv/ US /ɪkˈsploʊ.sɪv/
    ・exploding or able to explode easily:
    ・very loud and sudden, like an explosion:
    1 爆発(性)の
    2 <気性などが> 激しやすい, <状況・問題などが> 一触即発の
    3 <増加・成長などが> 急激な
    4 <音などが> 爆発のような
  • be prone to sth/do sth
    likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular negative characteristic:
    <望ましくないことなど>をしがちな, しやすい, になりやすい
  • polystyrene
    noun [ U ]
    UK /ˌpɒl.ɪˈstaɪ.riːn/ US /ˌpɑː.lɪˈstaɪ.riːn/
    a light, usually white plastic used especially for putting around delicate objects inside containers to protect them from damage, or for putting around something to prevent it from losing heat:
    ポリスチレン, スチロール樹脂 同意 Styrofoam 〘商標〙
  • wander
    UK /ˈwɒn.dər/ US /ˈwɑːn.dɚ/
    ・to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction:
    ・If someone’s hands or eyes wander, they touch or look in many different places, especially in a sexual way or when they should not do this:
    ・to have sexual relationships or experiences outside of your marriage or usual relationship:
    ・to start talking about a different subject from the one you were originally discussing:
    ・If your mind or your thoughts wander, you stop thinking about the subject that you should be giving your attention to and start thinking about other matters:
    ・If you say that an old person’s mind is beginning to wander, you mean that they are starting to get very confused because of their age:
    1 a) 《自》 (当てもなく) 歩き回る, ぶらつく, 放浪する
    wander around / through something
    b) 《他》 <場所> を歩き回る, 放浪する
    同意 roam
    2 《I always + adverb/preposition》 wander in / out / off
    同意 amble
    3 《自》 (場所から) いなくなる, ふらっとどこかへ行く
    4 《自》 (退屈・心配などで) <心が> ついほかのことに向く, <注意が> 散漫になる, <考えが> とりとめなくなる
    5 《自》 (主題から) 話を脱線させる
    6 a) 《自》 <目・視線が> きょろきょろ見回す
    b) 《他》 …をきょろきょろ見回す
    7 《I always + adverb/preposition》 wander through / across / along something
    <道・川などが> 曲がりくねりながら<場所>の中を[を横切って,に沿って]続く
    8 《自》 <男性の手が> (嫌がる女性の体などを) まさぐる}
  • adaptive
    adjective BIOLOGY specialized
    UK /əˈdæp.tɪv/ US /əˈdæp.tɪv/
    having an ability to change to suit different conditions
  • put into gear
  • worryingly
    UK /ˈwʌr.i.ɪŋ.li/ US /ˈwɝː.i.ɪŋ.li/
    in a way that makes you feel worried:
  • proneness
    proneness to sth
    the fact of being likely to suffer from an illness or have a particular negative characteristic:
    <望ましくないことなど>への傾向, 性向
    同意 tendency
  • detrimental
    adjective formal
    UK /ˌdet.rɪˈmen.təl/ US /ˌdet.rəˈmen.t̬əl/
    causing harm or damage:
    有害な, 不利益な
    同意 harmful
  • bore
    UK /bɔːr/ US /bɔːr/
    to talk or act in a way that makes someone lose interest:
    1 《他》 <人> をうんざりさせる, 退屈させる
    2 a) 《I always + adverb/preposition》 bore through / into something
    b) 《T always + adverb/preposition》 bore something through / into something
  • threshold
    UK /ˈθreʃ.həʊld/ US /ˈθreʃ.hoʊld/
    the floor of an entrance to a building or room
    1 the threshold 敷居, 入り口, 玄関口
    2 (反応を起こす) 限界, 境界, (心理学で) 閾(いき)
    3 基準, 水準
    4 〘専門〙 (滑走路の) 末端
  • speculate
    verb [ I ]
    UK /ˈspek.jə.leɪt/ US /ˈspek.jə.leɪt/
    ・to guess possible answers to a question when you do not have enough information to be certain:
    ・to buy and sell in the hope that the value of what you buy will increase and that it can then be sold at a higher price in order to make a profit:
    1 a) 《自》 憶測する, (当て)推量する
    b) 《他》 …と憶測する
    2 《自》 投機する
  • overestimation
    verb [ I or T ]
    UK /ˌəʊ.vəˈres.tɪ.meɪt/ US /ˌoʊ.vɚˈes.tə.meɪt/
    to think that something is or will be greater, more extreme, or more important than it really is:
    1 高すぎる[多すぎる]見積もり
    2 過大評価


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