「Cambridge IELTS 12」Reading Test 6-1『The risks agriculture faces in developing countries』の単語・フレーズ

Reading Test 6-1『The risks agriculture faces in developing countries』

「Cambridge IELTS 12」Reading Test 6-1『The risks agriculture faces in developing countries』の単語・フレーズの単語・フレーズをまとめました。

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Reading Test 6 Passage 1: The risks agriculture faces in developing countries

  • synthesis
    noun ​ /ˈsɪn.θə.sɪs/
    ・the production of a substance from simpler materials after a chemical reaction
    ・the mixing of different ideas, influences, or things to make a whole that is different, or new
    1 《C通例単数形で》 総括したもの, 集大成
    2 《U》 統合, 総合
    3 《U》 (化学・生体物質の) 合成
    4 《U》 (電子機器による音声・音楽などの) 合成
  • vulnerable
    adjective /ˈvʌl.nər.ə.bəl/
    ​able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked
    1 <人が> (精神的・肉体的に) 傷つきやすい, 弱い
    2 <場所などが> 攻撃されやすい, もろい, <考えなどが> 非難されやすい
    反意 invulnerable
  • volatility
    noun /ˌvɒl.əˈtɪl.ə.ti/
    ・the quality or state of being likely to change suddenly, especially by becoming worse:
    ・the quality of being likely to become angry suddenly
    1 (状況などについての) 急変の危険性
    2 〘フォーマル〙 (人の) 激しやすさ
    3 〘専門〙 揮発性
  • adverse
    adjective /ˈæd.vɜːs/ ​
    having a negative or harmful effect on something:
    1 都合の悪い, 逆の
    2 不利な, 不都合な
  • prevalent
    adjective /ˈprev.əl.ənt/
    existing very commonly or happening often:
    (ある地域・集団・時期において) 一般的な, 流行している
    adjective​ /ˌʌn.dəˈlaɪ.ɪŋ/
    ・real but not immediately obvious
    ・used to describe something on which something else is based
    ・positioned under the surface of something
    1 根底にある, 根本的な
    2 〘専門〙 (インフレ率・経済成長率・利率などが) 潜在的な, 裏に潜んだ
    3 〘専門〙 (表土などの) 下層の
  • alleviate
    verb /əˈliː.vi.eɪt/​
    to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe:
    <問題・痛み・苦しみなど> を緩和する, 軽減する
  • uncertainty
    noun /ʌnˈsɜː.tən.ti/
    a situation in which something is not known, or something that is not known or certain:
    1 《C通例複数形で,U》 (将来や現状に対する) 不安(感), 頼りなさ
    2 《C通例複数形で》 不安の種
  • valuable
    adjective /ˈvæl.jə.bəl/
    ・worth a lot of money
    ・Valuable information, advice, etc. is very helpful or important
    1 有益な
    2 高価な
    反意 worthless
    3 <時間・労力などが> 貴重な
  • landowners
    noun /ˈlændˌəʊ.nər/
    someone who owns land, especially a large amount of land
    (広大な) 土地所有者, 地主
  • commodity
    noun​ /kəˈmɒd.ə.ti/
    ・a substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold:
    ・a valuable quality
    1 商品, 生産物
    2 有用[便利]なもの
  • transparency
    noun /trænˈspær.ə
    ・the characteristic of being easy to see through:
    ・a photograph or picture printed on plastic that you can see on a screen by shining a light through it
    1 《C》 トランスペアレンシー ((OHP 用の透明フィルム))
    2 《C》 (ポジフィルムの) スライド 同意 slide
    3 《U》 (物質の) 透明さ, 透明性
    4 《U》 (公正さなどの) 透明性
  • adequate
    adjective /ˈæd.ə.kwət/
    enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose:
    1 十分な, 適切な
    同意 sufficient 反意 inadequate
    2 まあまあよい, まずまずの
  • magnitude
    noun /ˈmæɡ.nɪ.tʃuːd/
    the large size or importance of something:
    1 《U》 重大さ, 大きさ
    2 《U》 規模, 程度
    3 《U》 〘専門〙 (地震の) マグニチュード
    4 《C》 〘専門〙 (星の光度の) 等(級)
  • resilient
    adjective /rɪˈzɪl.i.ənt/
    ・able to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened:
    ・able to quickly return to its usual shape after being bent, stretched, or pressed:
    1 回復力[立ち直る力]がある
    2 弾力性のある
  • peasant
    noun /ˈpez.ənt/​
    ・a person who owns or rents a small piece of land and grows crops, keeps animals, etc. on it, especially one who has a low income, very little education, and a low social position. This is usually used of someone who lived in the past or of someone in a poor country
    ・a person who is not well educated or is rude and does not behave well
    1 小作農[人], 小農
    2 〘やや古・インフォーマル〙 田舎者, 粗野で無学な人


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