「Cambridge IELTS 12」Reading Test 8-1『The History of Glass』の単語・フレーズ

Reading Test 8-1 『The History of Glass』

Reading Test 8-1『The History of Glass』の単語・フレーズの単語・フレーズをまとめました。

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Reading Test 8 Passage 1: The History of Glass

  • obsidian
  • spear
    noun /spɪər/
    ・a weapon consisting of a pole with a sharp, usually metal, point at one end, that is either thrown or held in the hand
    ・a thin pointed stem or leaf:
    1 (武器としての) やり → javelin
    2 (やりのようにとがった) 茎, 芽
  • archaeologist
    noun /ˌɑː.kiˈɒl.ə.dʒɪst/
    ・someone who studies the buildings, graves, tools, and other objects of people who lived in the past
  • glaze
    verb /ɡleɪz/
    to make a surface shiny by putting a liquid substance onto it and leaving it or heating it until it dries:
    1 《自》 (glaze over とも) <目が> どんよりする, 生気をなくす
    • The teacher went on talking until our eyes glazed over.
    2 《他》 (野菜・ケーキ・肉など) に照りをつける, グラッセする
    glaze something with something
    • You can glaze the tart with apricot jam.
    3 《他》 <陶器> に上薬を塗る
    • The tiles are painted, glazed, and baked in kilns.
    タイルは絵付けされ,釉をかけられ,窯(かま) で焼かれる.
    4 《他》 <窓> にガラスをはめる
  • beads
    1 ビーズ
    2 beads 《複数扱い》 ビーズのネックレス
  • hollow glass
    molten glass
  • impurity
    noun /ɪmˈpjʊə.rə.ti/
    the fact that a substance is dirty or lower in quality because it is mixed with another substance, or something that causes this:
    1 《C通例複数形で》 不純物
    2 《U》 不純物を含むこと, 不潔さ
    3 《U》 〘やや古〙 不純, 不道徳
  • guarded
    adjective /ˈɡɑː.dɪd/
    careful not to give too much information or show how you really feel:
    <言葉・反応などが> 慎重な, 控えめな
  • Venetian
    ベネチア(Venice )の人
  • craftsman
    noun /ˈkrɑːfts.mən/
    a person who is skilled in a particular craft:
    (熟練した)職人, 工芸家
  • refractive
    adjective /rɪˈfræk.tɪv/
    causing, caused by, or connected with light or sound changing direction or separating when it travels through water, glass, etc.:
    1 <レンズ・物質などが> 屈折力のある, 屈折させる
    2 屈折の, 屈折する
  • repeal
    verb /rɪˈpiːl/
    If a government repeals a law, it causes that law no longer to have any legal force.
    <法規など> を廃止[撤廃]する
  • glasshouse
    noun /ˈɡlɑːs.haʊs/
    a large building with glass sides and roof for growing plants in
    同意 greenhouse
  • levy
    verb /ˈlev.i/
    (of a government or organization) to demand an amount of money, such as a tax, from a person or organization:
    <税・料金など> を課す, <罰金> を取り立てる
  • horticultural
    adjective /ˌhɔː.tɪˈkʌl.tʃər.əl/
    relating to the study or activity of growing garden plants:
    園芸, 園芸学
  • mouth-blowing
  • cut off from
    《be ~》~から疎外される
  • fiercely
    adverb /ˈfɪə
    ・in a frightening, violent, or powerful way:
    1 (程度について) 猛烈に
    2 (戦い・議論などについて) 激しく, 激烈に
    3 ものすごい形相で
  • landfill
    the process of getting rid of large amounts of rubbish by burying it, or a place where rubbish is buried:
    1 《C》 (ˈlandfill site とも) (ごみ処理の) 埋立地
    2 《U》 (ごみなどの) 埋め立て
    3 《U》 埋め立て処理されるごみ
  • quarry
    verb /ˈkwɒr.i/ US /ˈkwɔːr.i/
    to dig stone, etc. from a quarry
    <石など> を切り出す, 採取[採掘]する


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