「Cambridge IELTS 12」Reading Test 7-3『Music and emotions』の単語・フレーズ

Reading Test 7-3 『Music and emotions』

Reading Test 7-3『Music and emotions』の単語・フレーズの単語・フレーズをまとめました。

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Reading Test 7 Passage 3:Music and emotions

  • abstract
    adjective /ˈæb.strækt/
    ・existing as an idea, feeling, or quality, not as a material object:
    ・An abstract argument or discussion is general and not based on particular examples:
    1 抽象的な
    2 <思考・概念などが> 理論的な
    3 観念的な, 空想的な
  • devoid of
    to lack or be without something that is necessary or usual:
  • explicit
    adjective /ɪkˈsplɪs.ɪt/
    ・clear and exact:
    ・showing or talking about sex or violence in a very detailed way:
    1 <指示などが> 明確な, はっきりした
    反意 implicit
    2 <性・暴力描写などが> 露骨な
  • betray
    verb /bɪˈtreɪ/
    ・to not be loyal to your country or a person, often by doing something harmful such as helping their enemies:
    ・If someone betrays something such as a promise, they do not do what they promised:
    1 <友人・家族など> を裏切る, 密告する
    2 <国> を裏切る, (敵に)売る
    3 《進行形/受け身形不可》 <真実> を暴く, <隠しておきたいこと> を暴露する, <本心など> 4 …に背く
  • arousal
    1 性的興奮
    2 (感情などの) 目覚め
  • pupil
    noun /ˈpjuː.pəl/
    ・a person, especially a child at school, who is being taught:
    ・someone who is being taught a skill, especially painting or music, by an expert:
    1 Image of pupil 生徒
    同意 student
    2 (画家・作曲家などの) 弟子, 門下生
    3 瞳孔(どうこう), 瞳(ひとみ)
  • dilate
    verb /daɪˈleɪt/
    to (cause a part of the body to) become wider or further open:
    a) 《他》 <血管・瞳孔どうこう など> を広げる, 拡張させる
    b) 《自》 広がる, 拡張する
  • cerebellum
    〘専門〙 小脳
  • stir
    verb /stɜːr/
    ・to mix a liquid or other substance by moving an object such as a spoon in a circular pattern:
    ・to move or to cause something to move slightly:
    ・uk also stir yourself to wake up or begin to move or take action:
    ・If something stirs you, it makes you feel a strong emotion:
    ・literary If an emotion stirs within you, you begin to feel it:
    ・uk informal disapproving to cause trouble intentionally between other people, especially by telling false or secret information:
    1 《他》 <液体など> をかき回す, かき混ぜる
    2 《自》 〘書き言葉〙 身動きする, もぞもぞする
    3 〘書き言葉〙 a) 《他》 …をかすかに動かす, 揺り動かす
    b) 《自》 かすかに動く, 揺れ動く
    4 a) 《他》 stir yourself 動きだす
    b) 《自》 stir from something <場所>から離れる, 出る
    5 a) 《他》 <感情など> を呼び起こす, かきたてる
    b) 《I always + adverb/preposition》 <感情などが> わき起こる, 芽生える
  • underpinning
    noun /ˈʌn.dəˌpɪn.ɪŋ/
    ・support, strength, or the basic structure of something:
    1 《C, U》 基盤, 根拠, よりどころ
    2 《U》 (壁・建物などの) 基礎の補強
  • pleasurable
    adjective /ˈpleʒ.ər.ə.bəl/
    愉快な, 楽しい, 心地よい
  • resonance
    noun /ˈrez.ən.əns/
    ・the quality of being loud and clear
    ・specialized physics the production of a sound as a result of vibration (= shaking) of another object:
    ・a feeling, thought, memory, etc. that a piece of writing or music makes you have, or the quality in a piece of writing, etc. that makes this happen:
    1 《U》 (音・声などの) 響き, 反響
    2 《C, U》 〘フォーマル〙 心に響くもの, 共鳴するところ
    3 《C, U》 〘専門〙 共鳴(音), 反響(音)
  • ligand
  • tomography
    X 線断層撮影
  • straightforward
    adjective /ˌstreɪtˈfɔː.wəd/
    ・easy to understand or simple:
    ・(of a person) honest and not likely to hide their opinions:
    1 <説明・指示などが> 簡単な, 明快な
    反意 complicated
    2 <態度・姿勢などが> 率直な, ごまかしのない
  • dopamine
    noun /ˈdəʊ.pə.miːn/
    ・a hormone (= chemical substance) that is made naturally in the body and may also be given as a drug
    ドーパミン ((筋肉を正常に機能させるための脳内化学物質))
  • dorsal
    adjective /ˈdɔː.səl/
    of, on, or near the back of an animal:
    背の, 背面の, 背方の
  • ventral
    adjective /ˈven.trəl/
    of, on, or near the underside of an animal
    (動物・魚の) 腹部の, 腹側の
  • caudate
  • preceding
    adjective /prɪˈsiː.dɪŋ/
    existing or happening before someone or something:
    1 (時間的に) 先行する, 前の
    同意 previous 反意 following
    2 (順番・位置的に) 前の
    同意 previous 反意 following
  • surge
    ・to increase suddenly and strongly:
    ・to move quickly and powerfully:
    ・(of an emotion) to develop strongly and quickly:
    1 《always + adverb/preposition》 押し寄せる, 殺到する
    2 急増する, 急騰する
    3 (surge up とも) 〘文〙 <感情が> 込み上げる
    4 《always + adverb/preposition》 <波などが> 打ち寄せる, <体内の分泌液などが> 急増する
  • cluster
    ・a group of similar things that are close together, sometimes surrounding something:
    ・specialized phonetics a group of two or more consonant sounds that are together and have no vowel sound between them:
    1 集団, 集まり, (花などの) 房
    2 (人の) 群れ, 集団
    3 〘専門〙 (出来事・病気の) 集団(同時)発生, 大量発生
  • melodic
    adjective /məˈlɒd.ɪk/
    ・very pleasant to listen to
    ・relating to the tune in a piece of music
    1 《通例名の前で》 〘専門〙 旋律の
    2 旋律の美しい, 音楽のような 同意 melodious
  • labyrinth
    noun /ˈlæb.ə.rɪnθ/
    ・literary a confusing set of connecting passages or paths in which it is easy to get lost:
    ・literary something that is very confusing:
    1 迷路, 迷宮
    2 複雑に入り組んだもの, 複雑な制度[工程]
    同意 maze
  • intricate
    adjective /ˈɪn.trɪ.kət/
    ・having a lot of small parts that are arranged in a complicated or delicate way:
    ・with many complicated details that make something difficult to understand:
    複雑な, 込み入った, 入り組んだ
  • studious
    adjective /ˈstjuː.di.əs/
    ・A studious person enjoys studying or spends a lot of time studying:
    ・very careful or paying attention to all the small details:
    1 勉強熱心な, 学問好きな
    2 《名の前でのみ》 (働きぶりが) 慎重な, 行き届いた
  • flirtation
    noun /flɜːˈteɪ.ʃən/
    ・a situation in which someone behaves as if sexually attracted to another person, without being seriously interested:
    ・a short period of being interested in something or doing something:
    1 《C通例単数形で》 (政治などへの) 一時的な関心[かかわり]
    2 《U》 いちゃつき, べたつき
    3 《C》 戯れの恋, 浮気
  • Beethoven
  • ingenious
    adjective /ɪnˈdʒiː.ni.əs/
    ・(of a person) very intelligent and skilful, or (of a thing) skilfully made or planned and involving new ideas and methods:
    1 <方法・発明などが> 独創的な, 精巧な, 巧妙な
    2 <人が> 発明の才のある, 器用な
  • tonal
    adjective /ˈtəʊ.nəl/
    relating to the quality of sound of a musical instrument or singing voice
    1 音色の, 音調の
    2 色調の, 色合いの
    3 〘専門〙 <音楽・音階などが> 調性の 反意 atonal
  • chord
    noun /kɔːd/
    ・three or more musical notes played at the same time:
    ・a straight line that joins the ends of an arc (= a curved line that forms part of a circle)
    1 コード, 和音
    2 〘専門〙 (幾何学で) 弦
  • unfulfilled
    adjective /ˌʌn.fʊlˈfɪld/
    ・If a wish, hope, promise, etc. is unfulfilled, it has not happened or been achieved:
    ・unhappy because you think you should be achieving more in your life
    1 実現[達成,履行]されていない
    2 力を十分発揮していない
  • connotative
    The connotative meaning of a word includes the feelings and ideas that people may connect with that word.
    (感情・考えなどを) 暗示する, 含蓄的な, 内包的な → denotative
  • embody
    Verb /ɪmˈbɒd.i/
    ・to represent a quality or an idea exactly:
    ・to include as part of something:
    1 <考え・精神など> を具現する, 体現する
    → represent
    2 〘フォーマル〙 …を織り込む
  • invoke
    verb /ɪnˈvəʊk/
    ・to use a law in order to achieve something, or to mention something in order to explain something or to support your opinion or action:
    ・to request help from someone, especially a god, when you want to improve a situation:
    ・to make someone have a particular feeling or remember something
    1 <法律・規則・制裁措置など> を発動する, に訴える
    2 <考え・イメージ・感情など> を呼び覚ます, 想起させる
    → evoke
    3 <原則・理論など> を引き合いに出す, 援用する
    4 <神・聖人など> に祈願する, すがる
    5 <霊魂> を呼び出す
  • expectantly


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