「Cambridge IELTS 12」Reading Test 5-2『COLLECTING AS A HOBBY』の単語・フレーズ

「Cambridge IELTS 12」Reading Test 5-2『COLLECTING AS A HOBBY』の単語・フレーズをまとめました。

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Reading Test 2 Passage1: COLLECTING AS A HOBBY



  • psychologist
    noun /saɪˈkɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ ​
    someone who studies the human mind and human emotions and behaviour, and how different situations have an effect on people:
  • dignify
    verb /ˈdɪɡ.nɪ.faɪ/
    ・to cause something to be respected and considered important
    ・to cause something to be respected and considered important when that is not deserved:
    dignify somebody/something with something
    <…>を<…>で威厳づける, 尊ぶ
  • archtophilist.
    collects teddy bears
  • philatelst
    collect postage stamps
  • deltiologist
    collects postcards
  • amass
    verb /əˈmæs/
    to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a long period
    <情報など> を集める, <財産など> を蓄積する
  • instrumental reason
    important reason
  • antique
    noun /ænˈtiːk/ ​
    something made in an earlier period that is collected and considered to have value because it is beautiful, rare, old, or of high quality:
    (家具・宝石などが) 骨董(こっとう) 的価値のある, アンティークの
  • triumph
    noun /ˈtraɪ.əmf/
    a very great success, achievement, or victory (= when you win a war, fight, or competition), or a feeling of great satisfaction or pleasure caused by this
    1 《C》 (苦労の末の) 勝利, 成功, 偉業
    2 《U》 勝利[成功]の喜び
  • variant
    noun /ˈveə.ri.ənt/
    something that is slightly different from other similar things:
    1 (通例と) やや異なるもの, バリエーション
    variant of/on
    2 〘専門〙 異形
  • bridge club
  • like-minded
    adjective /ˌlaɪkˈmaɪn.dɪd/
    People who are described as like-minded share the same opinions, ideas, or interests
  • aimless
    adjective /ˈeɪm.ləs/​
    without any clear intentions, purpose, or direction
    当てのない, 目的のない
  • postage
    noun /ˈpəʊ.stɪdʒ/
    the money that you pay for sending letters and parcels through the post
    1 郵便料金, (郵)送料
    2 切手(の金額)
  • inferior
    adjective​ /ɪnˈfɪə.ri.ər/
    ・not good, or not as good as someone or something else:
    ・lower, or of lower rank
    ・specialized anatomy of the lower surface of a body part
    ・specialized medical used to refer to a body part that is below another body part:
    1 劣った, 劣悪な, 粗悪な, 低品質の
    2 劣等感を持った, 引け目を感じる
    inferior to
    反意 superior
    3 《名の前でのみ》 〘フォーマル〙 下級[下位]の
  • trainspotting
  • locomotive
    noun​ /ˌləʊ.kəˈməʊ.tɪv/
    the engine of a train
  • tick sth off
    — phrasal verb
    ・check sth off to put a mark beside an item in a list to show that you have dealt with it:
    ・to name items in a list
    1 tick somebody ↔ off 米 〘インフォーマル〙 <人>をいらつかせる, 怒らせる.
    2 tick somebody ↔ off 英 〘インフォーマル〙 <人>をしかりつける
    同意 tell off
    3 tick something ↔ off <…>を列挙する
    4 tick something ↔ off 英 <…>にチェックマークをつける 同意 check off 米
    → tick
  • enlarge
    verb /ɪnˈlɑːdʒ/
    ・to become bigger or to make something bigger:
    ・to print a bigger copy of a photograph or document
    1 《他》 …を大きくする, 拡大する, <写真> を引き伸ばす
    2 《他》 <知識・語彙ごい など> を増やす, <理解> を深める
    同意 increase
    3 《自》 大きくなる, 拡大する
  • porcelain
    noun /ˈpɔː.səl.ɪn/
    a hard but delicate, shiny, white substance made by heating a special type of clay to a high temperature, used to make cups, plates, decorations, etc
    1 磁器 同意 china
    2 磁器(製品)
  • ought
    modal verb​ /ɔt/
    used to say that it is necessary or desirable to perform the action expressed in the verb
    1 ought to do something
    2 ought to do something
    (常識的に) <…>すべきである
    3 ought to do something
    4 ought to do something
    <…>してみたら, <…>してみるといい
  • depict
    verb /dɪˈpɪkt/ ​
    to represent or show something in a picture or story
    (著作・絵画などで) …を表現する, 描く, 描写する
  • dog collar
  • convey
    verb [ T ] UK ​ /kənˈveɪ/
    ・to express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood by other people
    ・to take or carry someone or something to a particular place
    1 <メッセージ・情報・考えなど> を伝える, 伝達する
    2 〘フォーマル〙 convey something to/from/into something
    <…>を<場所>まで[から,に]運ぶ, 運搬[搬送]する
  • in existence
  • grow out of
  • engrossing
    adjective /ɪnˈɡrəʊ.sɪŋ/ ​
    very interesting and needing all your attention
  • sense of fullfilment
  • eccentric
    adjective /ɪkˈsen.trɪk/
    strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way
    1 <人・行動などが> 風変わりな, とっぴな
    2 〘専門〙 <複数の円が> 中心を異にする
    3 〘専門〙 <軌道が> 偏心[離心]的な
  • have a lot going for


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