「Cambridge IELTS 14」Reading Test4-3『Assessing the threat of marine debris』の単語・フレーズ

「Cambridge IELTS 14」Reading Test4-3『Assessing the threat of marine debris』の単語・フレーズ

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Reading Test 4 Passage 3:Assessing the threat of marine debris

  • dismal
    adjective /ˈdɪz.məl/
    ・sad and without hope:
    ・informal very bad
    1 <部屋・天気などが> 陰鬱(いんうつ) な, 陰気な, (薄)暗い
    2 <状況などが> 見通しの暗い, 絶望的な
    3 <記録・業績・失敗などが> 惨憺(さんたん) たる, お粗末な, 惨めな
  • marine-debris
    =ocean trash(漂流・漂着ごみ)
  • verb /saʊnd/
    ・to seem good, interesting, strange, etc. from what is said or written:
    ・ to seem like something, from what is said or written:
    ・to seem angry, happy, rude, etc. when you speak:
    ・to make a noise:
    ・to cause a noise to be made or say or shout a message to warn people about something:
    ・to measure the depth of a mass of water, such as the sea, usually by sonar
    1 《連結動詞》 (聞いた[読んだ]感じでは) …に思える, …のようだ
    2 《連結動詞》 <音・声などが> …(のよう)に聞こえる
    3 《連結動詞》 <人が> …のような声[言い方]である, <声が> …のように聞こえる
    4 《他》 sound a warning
    5 a) 《自》 <ベル・警報などが> 鳴る
    b) 《他》 <ベル・警笛など> を鳴らす
    6 《他通例受け身形で》 〘専門〙 <ある文字> を発音する
    7 《他》 〘専門〙 <水深> を測る, <海底など> の水深を測る
  • speculate
    verb /ˈspek.jə.leɪt/
    ・to guess possible answers to a question when you do not have enough information to be certain:
    ・to buy and sell in the hope that the value of what you buy will increase and that it can then be sold at a higher price in order to make a profit:
    1 a) 《自》 憶測する, (当て)推量する
    b) 《他》 …と憶測する
    2 《自》 投機する
  • seabird
    noun /ˈsiː.bɜːd/
    a bird that lives near the sea and gets its food from it
    (カモメなどの) 海鳥
  • at risk of
  • faulty
    adjective /ˈfɒl.ti/
    ​A faulty machine or device is not perfectly made or does not work correctly
    1 <装置・構造などが> 欠陥のある, 不完全な
    2 <推論などが> 間違った, 不完全な
  • strikingly
    adverb /ˈstraɪ.kɪŋ.li/
    ​in a way that is very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore attracts a lot of attention
    1 著しく, 目立って
    2 (美しさ・魅力などについて) はっとするほど
  • muscle
    noun /ˈmʌs.əl/
    ・one of many tissues in the body that can tighten and relax to produce movement:
    ・to injure a muscle by stretching it too far so that it is very painful:
    ・the power to do difficult things or to make people behave in a certain way:
    1 《C, U》 筋肉
    2 《U》 力, 影響力
    同意 clout
    3 《U》 腕力
    4 《U》 〘インフォーマル〙 用心棒
  • ingest
    verb /ɪnˈdʒest/
    to eat or drink something
    <食物・薬など> を摂取する → digest
  • bloodstream
    (体内を循環する) 血液, 血流
  • shellfish
    noun /ˈʃel.fɪʃ/
    sea creatures that live in shells and are eaten as food, or one of these creatures
    甲殻類 ((エビ,カニなど)) → seafood
  • bothersome
    adjective /ˈbɒð.ə.səm/
    annoying or causing trouble
    厄介な, 面倒な, こうるさい
  • entangle
    verb /ɪnˈtæŋ.ɡəl/
    ・to cause something to become caught in something such as a net or ropes:
    ・involved with something or someone in a way that makes it difficult to escape
    1 (網などに) …を引っかける, 絡ませる
    2 (面倒な状況に) <人> を巻き込む
  • shed
    verb /ʃed/ ​
    ・(often used in newspapers) to get rid of something you do not need or want:
    ・to lose a covering, such as leaves, hair, or skin, because it falls off naturally, or to drop something in a natural way or by accident:
    ・to produce tears, light, blood, etc.:
    1 <不要な物など> を取り除く, <従業員など> を解雇する, <体重など> を落とす
    2 <植物が> <葉> を落とす, <動物が> <毛・皮など> を脱ぎ替える
    3 <物> を落とす, <服> を脱ぎ捨てる
    4 〘文〙 <光・熱など> を発する, 注ぐ
    5 <水> をはじく
  • eroded
    verb /ɪˈrəʊd/
    ・to rub or be rubbed away gradually:
    ・to slowly reduce or destroy something:
    1 a) 《他》 <土地など> を浸食する
    b) 《自》 浸食する
    2 a) 《他》 <権力・自信など> を徐々に損なう, 減じる
    b) 《自》 徐々に損なう, 減じる
  • remnant
    noun /ˈrem.nənt/
    ​a small piece or amount of something that is left from a larger original piece or amount:
    1 〘特に書き言葉〙 (わずかな) 残り物, 生存者
    2 (布の) 切れ端
  • cutoff
    noun /ˈkʌt.ɒf/
    ・the act of stopping the supply of something:
    ・a fixed point or level at which you stop including people or things
    1 《C》 締切(日), 限度, 制限 cutoff date
    2 (援助・供給の) 打ち切り
    3 米 わき道
    4 (パイプの) 遮断装置 同意 valve
  • tanker
    noun /ˈtæŋ.kər/
    a ship or vehicle that is built to carry liquid or gas:
    1 タンカー
    2 燃料輸送トラック
  • spilling
    verb​ /spɪl/
    to (cause to) flow, move, fall, or spread over the edge or outside the limits of something:
    1 Image of spill a) 《他》 <液体> をこぼす
    b) 《自》 こぼれる
    2 《I always + adverb/preposition》 spill (out) into / onto something
    <観衆・観客などが> <場所>にあふれ出る
    3 《I always + adverb/preposition》 spill into / onto something
    <光・明かりが> <場所>にさし込む
  • conjure
    verb /ˈkʌn.dʒər/
    ​to make something appear by magic, or as if by magic
    1 a) 《自》 手品をする b) 《他》 …を手品で出す
    2 《他》 〘フォーマル〙 <イメージ・考えなど> を思い起こさせる, ほうふつとさせる 同意 conjure up
  • suck up
    to try to make someone in authority approve of you by doing and saying things that will please them:
    1 suck up 〘けなして〙 へつらう, ごまをする
    suck up to somebody
    → suck it up文句を言わずにやる
  • strategically
    adverb /strəˈtiː.dʒɪ.kəl.i/
    ・in a way that helps to achieve a plan, for example in business or politics:
    ・in a way that provides military forces with an advantage:
    戦略的に, 戦略上
  • perception
    noun /pəˈsep.ʃən/
    ・a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem:
    ・the quality of being aware of things through the physical senses, especially sight:
    ・someone’s ability to notice and understand things that are not obvious to other people:
    1 《C》 認識, 考え(方)
    2 《U》 知覚, 感覚
    3 《U》 (生まれつきの) 理解力, 洞察力
  • entanglement
    noun UK ​ /ɪnˈtæŋ.ɡəl.mənt/
    ・a situation or relationship that you are involved in and that is difficult to escape from:
    ・military uk specialized a fence made of wire with sharp points on it, intended to make it difficult for enemy soldiers to go across an area of land
    1 《C, U》 もつれた[面倒な]事態, ごたごた
    2 《C》 もつれ合ったもの
    同意 tangle
    3 《C, U》 引っかかる[もつれる]こと
  • interrogating
    verb /ɪnˈter.ə.ɡeɪt/
    ​・to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information, sometimes using threats or violence:
    ・computing specialized to get information from a computer
    <人> を尋問する, 取り調べる


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