「Cambridge IELTS 14」Reading Test4-1『The secret of staying young』の単語・フレーズ

「Cambridge IELTS 14」Reading Test4-1『The secret of staying young』の単語・フレーズ

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Reading Test 4 Passage 1:The secret of staying young

  • immortal
    adjective /ɪˈmɔː.təl/
    ・​living or lasting for ever:
    ・very special and famous and therefore likely to be remembered for a long time:
    1 不死の
    2 <名言などが> 不朽の, 不滅の
  • doctoral
    adjective /ˈdɑk·tər·əl/
    ​relating to the highest-ranking degree given by a university:
  • thesis
    noun /ˈθiː.sɪs/
    ・a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a higher college or university degree:
    ・formal the main idea, opinion, or theory of a person, group, piece of writing, or speech:
    1 (学位取得のための) 論文
    同意 dissertation
    2 〘フォーマル〙 (議論で立証しようとする場合などの) 主張, 説
  • mole
    noun /məʊl/
    ・a small mammal that is almost blind, has dark fur, and lives in passages that it digs underground
    ・a small, dark spot or lump (= raised area) on a person’s skin
    ・a person who works for an organization or government and secretly gives information to its competitor or enemy:
    ・chemistry specialized a unit of measurement of the amount of a substance expressed in grams
    1 ほくろ
    2 モグラ
    3 スパイ, 内通者
    4 防波堤 同意 breakwater
    5 〘専門〙 (化学で) モル, グラム分子
  • deteriorate
    verb /dɪˈtɪə.ri.ə.reɪt/
    ​to become worse
    《自》 悪化[劣化]する
  • complexity
    noun /kəmˈplek.sə.ti/
    ​the state of having many parts and being difficult to understand or find an answer to:
    1 《U》 複雑さ
    2 complexities 《常に複数形で》 複雑な点, 込み入った点
  • worm
    noun​ /wɜːm/
    ・a small animal with a long, narrow, soft body without arms, legs, or bones:
    ・the young of particular types of insect:
    ・a type of worm that lives in an animal’s intestine, feeding on the food there, or on an animal’s body, feeding off its blood:
    ・informal old-fashioned an unpleasant person who does not deserve respect:
    1 (足がなくて細長い) 虫 ((ミミズ,ヒル,毛虫など))
    → earthworm
    2 うじ虫, いも虫, 青虫 ((細長く足のない昆虫の幼虫を指す))
    同意 maggot
    3 ワーム ((コンピュータウイルスの一種))
    4 worms 《常に複数形で》 (人間・動物の体内の) 寄生虫
    5 〘インフォーマル〙 虫けら(のようなやつ)
  • fruit flies
  • pupae
    noun /ˈpjuː.pə/
    an insect in the stage of development after it has been a larva and before it becomes an adult, during which is is contained in and protected by a hard covering and does not move
    (昆虫の) さなぎ
  • fed
    feed の過去/過去分詞
    ・to give food to a person, group, or animal:
    ・If a baby or animal feeds, it eats or drinks milk:
    ・to be enough food for a group of people or animals:
    ・to produce or supply enough food for someone or something:
    ・to give a plant substances that will help it grow:
    1 《他》 <人> に食べ物を与える, <動物> に餌(えさ) を与える, <赤ん坊> に授乳する
    2 《他》 <家族など> を養う, <食べ物が> <ある人数> に十分足りる
    3 《自》 <赤ん坊が> 乳を飲む, <動物が> 捕食する
    4 《他》 <植物> に肥料を与える
    5 《T always + adverb/preposition》 feed something into something
    6 《他》 …に電気[燃料]を供給する, <川が> …に注ぎ込む
    7 《他》 feed something in
    8 《他》 <感情など> を募らせる, 増大させる
    9 《他》 <必要・欲求など> を満たす, 満足させる
    10 《他》 feed somebody with something
    11 《他》 <選手> にパスを出す
    12 《他》 <テレビ・ラジオの番組> を供給する, 配給する
  • telltale
    adjective​ /ˈtel.teɪl/
    allowing a secret to become known
    (悪事・秘密などを) はっきり物語る, 隠しきれない
  • counterpart
    noun /ˈkaʊn.tə.pɑːt/
    ​・a person or thing that has the same purpose as another one in a different place or organization:
    somebody’s / something’s counterpart
  • mandible
    noun ​ /ˈmæn.dɪ.bəl/
    ・in a person or animal, the lower jaw bone
    ・in insects, one of the two parts of the mouth used for biting and cutting food
    1 あごの骨, 下顎(かがく) 骨
    2 くちばし
    3 (昆虫の) 大あご
  • density
    noun /ˈden.sɪ.ti/
    ・(also denseness) the number of people or things in a place when compared with the size of the place:
    ・physics specialized the relationship between the mass of a substance and its size
    1 込み具合, 密集度
    2 (物の) 密度
  • neurons
    noun /ˈnjʊə.rɒn/
    a nerve cell that carries information between the brain and other parts of the body
    ニューロン, 神経単位 同意 nerve cell
  • serotonin
    noun /ˌse.rəˈtəʊ.nɪn/
    a neurotransmitter (= a chemical in the body that carries messages from the brain) that helps you feel relaxed and happy
    セロトニン ((神経伝達物質の一つ))
  • dopamine
    noun /ˈdəʊ.pə.miːn/​
    a hormone (= chemical substance) that is made naturally in the body and may also be given as a drug
    ドーパミン ((筋肉を正常に機能させるための脳内化学物質))
  • coincide
    verb /ˌkəʊ.ɪnˈsaɪd/
    ​・to happen at or near the same time:
    ・to be the same or similar:
    1 同時に起こる, 時期が重なる
    2 《進行形不可》 <考え・意見が> ぴったり合う, 一致する
    3 <道などが> 合流する, <場所などが> 一致する
  • senescence
    noun ​ /sɪˈnes.əns/
    ​the fact of becoming older, and therefore being in less good condition and less able to function well:
    <人が> 初老の, <物が> 老朽化が進んだ
  • deteriorate
    verb /dɪˈtɪə.ri.ə.reɪt/
    ​to become worse
    《自》 悪化[劣化]する
  • predators
    noun /ˈpred.ə.tər/
    ・an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals:
    ・disapproving someone who follows people in order to harm them or commit a crime against them
    1 捕食動物, 天敵
    → prey
    2 〘けなして〙 (金銭的・性的に) 人を食いものにするやつ
    3 (他社の) 買収[乗っ取り]をもくろむ企業
  • entomologist
    noun /ˌen.təˈmɒl.ə.dʒi/ ​
    the scientific study of insects
  • broader
    adjective /brɔːd/
    ・very wide:
    ・If something is a particular distance broad, it measures this distance from side to side:
    1 <道などが> 幅の広い
    反意 narrow → breadth, wide
    2 <肩・背中などが> 幅広の, 大きな
    反意 narrow
    3 <範囲・分野などが> 広い, 広範囲な
    反意 narrow
    → breadth
    4 大まかな, 大筋の
    5 <笑みが> 満面の
    6 <土地・海などが> 広々とした, 広大な
    7 <なまりが> きつい, 強い
    8 明白な, わかりきった
    9 <冗談などが> 露骨な


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