「Cambridge IELTS 8」Reading Test 4-2『Biological control of pests』の単語・フレーズ


「Cambridge IELTS 8」Reading Test 4-2『Biological control of pests』の単語・フレーズをまとめました。(p.93)

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Reading Passage 4-2:Biological control of pests

  • reckless
    adjective /ˈrek.ləs/
    ​doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results
    向こう見ずな, 無謀な
  • synthetic chemicals
  • synthetic
    adjective /sɪnˈθet.ɪk/ ​
    ・Synthetic products are made from artificial substances, often copying a natural product:
    ・disapproving false or artificial:
  • pose
    verb /pəʊz/
    ・to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty:
    ・to ask a question, especially in a formal situation such as a meeting:
    ・to move into and stay in a particular position, in order to be photographed, painted, etc.:
    ・to pretend to be something that you are not or to have qualities that you do not have, in order to be admired or attract interest:
    1 《他》 pose a danger / risk / hazard / threat
    2 a) 《自》 (写真・絵画で) ポーズをとる
    b) 《他》 <人> にポーズをとらせる, <写真> をポーズをとらせて撮る
    3 《自》 英 気取る
  • apart from
    …以外は, を除いて
  • engendering
    verb /ɪnˈdʒen.dər/
    to make people have a particular feeling or make a situation start to exist:
    <感情など> を抱かせる, <問題など> を引き起こす
  • pesticide
    noun /ˈpes.tɪ.saɪd/
    a chemical substance used to kill harmful insects, small animals, wild plants, and other unwanted organisms:
    (害虫・害獣駆除用の) 殺虫剤, 農薬 → herbicide
  • resistant
    adjective /rɪˈzɪs.tənt/
    ・not wanting to accept something, especially changes or new ideas:
    ・not harmed or affected by something:
    1 対抗力[耐性]のある
    resistant to
    2 抵抗する
    resistant to
  • lethal
    adjective /ˈliː.θəl/
    able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous:
    1 致死(性)の, 死を招く
    2 危険な, 強烈な
  • superbug
    noun /ˈsuː.pə.bʌɡ/ ​
    a type of bacteria that causes an illness that cannot be cured by antibiotics
  • immune
    adjective /ɪˈmjuːn/
    ・protected against a particular disease by particular substances in the blood:
    ・not affected or upset by a particular type of behaviour or emotion:
    ・not able to be punished or damaged by something:
    1 《名の前不可》 免疫を持った, 免疫のある
    2 《名の前でのみ》 免疫…
    3 《名の前不可》 immune to something
    4 《名の前不可》 immune from something
    <…>を免れる, から保護される
  • insecticide
    noun /ɪnˈsek.tɪ.saɪd/
    a chemical substance made and used for killing insects, especially those that eat plants
    殺虫剤 → pesticide
  • wipe out
    wipe out [句動詞]
    1 wipe something ↔ out <場所など>を全滅させる, <生物など>を絶滅させる, <思い出など>をぬぐい去る
    2 wipe somebody out 〘インフォーマル〙 <人>をへとへと[くたくた]にさせる
    3 wipe out 米 〘インフォーマル〙 (自転車・車などに乗っていて) 転ぶ, ぶつかる
  • in check
  • withstand
    verb /wɪðˈstænd/
    to be strong enough, or not be changed by something, or to oppose a person or thing successfully
    1 <物が> <熱・圧力など> に耐える
    2 <人などが> <苦境など> に耐える, 屈しない
  • offspring
    noun /ˈɒf.sprɪŋ/
    ・the young of an animal:
    ・humorous or formal a person’s children:
    1 〘フォーマル〙 (動物の) 子, 子孫
    2 〘フォーマル/ユーモラス〙 (人の) 子供
    3 所産, 派生物
  • havoc
    noun /ˈhæv.ək/
    confusion and lack of order, especially causing damage or trouble:
    大混乱, 大損害
  • bask
    verb /bɑːsk/
    to lie or sit enjoying the warmth especially of the sun:
    1 日光浴する
    2 bask in something
    3 bask in something
    <場所などが> <日光など>に当たって暖まる
  • avidly
  • proliferation
    verb /prəˈlɪf.ər.eɪt/
    to increase a lot and suddenly in number
    1 《U, a/the ~》 〘フォーマル〙 (核兵器などの) 拡散, 急増
    2 a proliferation of something
    〘フォーマル〙 多数の<…>
    3 《U, a/the ~》 〘専門〙 (細胞・芽などの) 増殖, 急成長
  • outbreak
    noun /ˈaʊt.breɪk/
    a time when something suddenly begins, especially a disease or something else dangerous or unpleasant
    (戦争などの) 勃発(ぼっぱつ), (疫病などの) 突発的な発生
  • outlay
    noun /ˈaʊt.leɪ/​
    an amount of money spent for a particular purpose, especially as a first investment in something:
    (新たな事業・活動を始めるための) 費用, 経費, 資金
  • invasion
    noun /ɪnˈveɪ.ʒən/
    ・an occasion when an army or country uses force to enter and take control of another country:
    ・an occasion when a large number of people or things come to a place in an annoying and unwanted way:
    ・an action or process that affects someone’s life in an unpleasant and unwanted way:
    1 《C, U》 侵略, 侵攻
    2 《C》 殺到
  • mutation
    noun /mjuːˈteɪ.ʃən/
    ・the way in which genes change and produce permanent differences:
    ・a permanent change in an organism, or the changed organism itself:
    1 突然変異
    2 〘専門〙 母音変異
  • adverse
    adjective /ˈæd.vɜːs/
    having a negative or harmful effect on something:
    1 都合の悪い, 逆の
    have an adverse effect on somebody / something
    2 不利な, 不都合な
  • peril
    noun /ˈper.əl/
    ・great danger, or something that is very dangerous:
    ・do sth at your peril→to do something that might be very dangerous for you:
    1 《U》 (命にかかわるような) 危険, 危難
    in peril
    危険にさらされて, 危機に陥って
    2 《C通例複数形で》 (ある活動・状況における) 危険(な事), 難問
  • perpetual
    adjective /pəˈpetʃ.u.əl/
    ・continuing for ever in the same way:
    ・often repeated:
    1 (いらだたせる事などが) のべつ幕なしの, ひっきりなしの
    同意 constant
    2 不断の, 絶え間ない
    同意 constant
  • detrimental
    adjective /ˌdet.rɪˈmen.təl/ US ​ /ˌdet.rəˈmen.t̬əl/ formal
    ​causing harm or damage:
    有害な, 不利益な
  • disperse
    verb [ I or T ] UK ​ /dɪˈspɜːs/ US ​ /dɪˈspɝːs/
    to spread across or move away over a large area, or to make something do this:
    1 a) 《自》 <群集・デモ参加者などが> 散り散りになる, 解散する
    b) 《他》 …を追い散らす
    2 a) 《自》 消え散る
    b) 《他》 …を消え散らせる
    3 《他》 〘専門〙 (物理学で) <光> を分光する
    4 《他》 〘専門〙 (化学で) <粒子> を分散させる
  • obnoxious
    adjective /əbˈnɒk.ʃəs/
    very unpleasant or rude
    1 <人・発言などが> ひどく不愉快な, 鼻持ちならない
    2 <においが> とても臭い
  • devious
    adjective /ˈdiː.vi.əs/
    Devious people or plans and methods are dishonest, often in a complicated way, but often also clever and successful:
    1 ずる賢い, 狡猾(こうかつ) な
    2 《名の前でのみ》 〘フォーマル〙 (道・ルートが) 遠回りの, 曲がりくねった
  • weevil
    noun /ˈwiː.vəl/ ​
    any of various beetles that destroy crops such as grains and cotton
    ゾウムシ ((穀物などを食べる害虫))
  • hyacinth
    noun /ˈhaɪ.ə.sɪnθ/​
    a pleasant-smelling plant with a lot of small flowers that grow close together around one thick stem
  • nuisance
    noun /ˈnjuː.səns/
    ・something or someone that annoys you or causes trouble for you:
    ・make a nuisance of yourself→to cause trouble or to annoy other people
    1 《C通例単数形で》 迷惑な行為, 厄介な人[もの,こと]
    2 《C, U》 〘法〙 不法妨害, (騒音などの) 公害
  • parasite
    noun /ˈpær.ə.saɪt/
    ・an animal or plant that lives on or in another animal or plant of a different type and feeds from it:
    ・disapproving a person who is lazy and lives by other people working, giving them money, etc
    1 寄生植物[動物], 寄生虫
    2 〘けなして〙 パラサイト, 寄生虫のような人
  • defoliant
    noun /ˌdiːˈfəʊ.li.ənt/
    a chemical that is used to make the leaves drop off plants
  • press somebody / something into service
  • plague
    verb /pleɪɡ/ US ​ /pleɪɡ/
    ​・to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time:
    ・to annoy someone, especially by asking repeated questions:
    1 《U》 (the plague とも) ペスト, 黒死病
    2 《C》 (一般に) 感染症, 疫病
    3 《常に単数形で》 厄介もの, 病弊
    4 a plague of rats / locusts / flies
  • leaf-mining
  • larval
    同意 grub
  • forage
    noun /ˈfɒr.ɪdʒ/
    food grown for horses and farm animals:
    1 《U》 飼料, 飼い葉
    2 《常に単数形で》 英 捜す[あさる]こと, 物色, 食料集め[探し]
  • beetle
    noun /ˈbiː.təl/​
    an insect with a hard shell-like back:


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