「Cambridge IELTS 8」Reading Test 4-1『LAND OF THE RISING SUM』の単語・フレーズ


「Cambridge IELTS 8」Reading Test 4-1『LAND OF THE RISING SUM』の単語・フレーズをまとめました。

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Reading Passage 4-1:LAND OF THE RISING SUM

  • in terms of
  • attainment
    noun /əˈteɪn.mənt/
    ​・ the act of achieving something:
    ・Someone’s attainments are the things they have done and the skills they have learned.
    1 《U》 達成, 獲得
    2 《C》 (技能など) 獲得[習得]したもの
  • pupil
    noun /ˈpjuː.pəl/
    ・a person, especially a child at school, who is being taught:
    ・someone who is being taught a skill, especially painting or music, by an expert:
    1 Image of pupil 生徒
    同意 student
    2 (画家・作曲家などの) 弟子, 門下生
    3 瞳孔(どうこう), 瞳(ひとみ)
  • incidentally
    ・used before saying something that is not as important as the main subject of conversation, but is connected to it in some way:
    ・used when mentioning a subject that has not been discussed before, often making it seem less important than it really is:
    1 《文修飾》 〘特に話〙 ちなみに, ついでに言うと, ところで
    同意 by the way
    2 〘フォーマル〙 偶然に, 付随的に
  • variation
    noun /ˌveə.riˈeɪ.ʃən/
    ・a change in amount or level:
    ・something that is slightly different from the usual form or arrangement:
    ・specialized music one of several short tunes that are based on the same simple tune, but are different from it and from the others
    1 《C, U》 変化, 変動, 差異
    2 《C》 変形, バリエーション
    3 《C》 変奏曲
  • reasonably
    adverb /ˈriː.zən.ə.bli/
    ・using good judgment:
    ・in a satisfactory way:
    ・at a price that is not too expensive:
    1 かなり, まあまあ
    2 もっともなことで, 正当に
    3 分別を持って, 理性的に
    4 reasonably priced
  • consistent
    adjective /kənˈsɪs.tənt/
    ・always behaving or happening in a similar, especially positive, way:
    ・in agreement with other facts or with typical or previous behaviour, or having the same principles as something else:
    1 <信条・行動などが> 首尾一貫した, 不変の
    2 <成長・発展などが> 着実な, 堅実な
    3 <意見・説などが> 矛盾のない, つじつまの合った
    反意 inconsistent
  • virtually
    adverb /ˈvɜː.tʃu.ə.li/
    ・using a computer to do or see something instead of going to a place or talking to a person:
    ほとんど, 実質的には, 事実上
  • set back
    1 set something ↔ back <…>(の進行)を遅らせる
    2 set somebody back <人>(の仕事[学業,作業])を遅らせる
  • standardize
    verb ​ /ˈstæn.də.daɪz/
    to make things of the same type all have the same basic features:
    1 (知識や能力を測れるように) <試験が> 標準化された
    • standardized achievement tests
    2 規格化された, 規格統一された
  • let off steam
    ストレスを発散する, うっぷんを晴らす
  • compulsory
    adjective /kəmˈpʌl.sər.i/
    If something is compulsory, you must do it because of a rule or law:
    義務的な, 強制的な, 必修の, 必須の
  • on the whole
    概して, だいたいにおいて
  • presumably
    adverb /prɪˈzjuː.mə.bli/ ​
    used to say what you think is the likely situation:
    たぶん, 恐らく
  • set out
    1 set out 〘特に書き言葉〙 (長い旅に) 出発する
    2 set out 着手する
    3 set something ↔ out <人・文書などが> <…>を(はっきり体系的に)述べる
    4 set something ↔ out <…>を並べる
  • elaboration
    [名] 《C, U》 /ɪˌlæbəˈreɪʃən/
    詳述, 仕上げること, (文章の)推敲(すいこう)
  • rarely
    adverb​ /ˈreə.li/ US ​ /ˈ
    ​not often:
  • supplementary
    adjective /ˌsʌp.lɪˈmen.tər.i/
    ・specialized mathematics If an angle is supplementary to another angle, it forms 180° when combined with it.
    1 《通例名の前で》 (sup‧ple‧mental とも /-men(t)l ǁ -mentl/ 米) 補足の, 追加の
    同意 extra, additional
    2 〘専門〙 補角の → complementary
  • homogeneity
    1 同種, 均質(性)
    2 〘専門〙 (統計学で) 一様性
  • render
    verb​ /ˈren.dər/
    ・formal to cause someone or something to be in a particular state:
    ・formal to change words into a different language or form:
    1 〘フォーマル〙 render something useless / impossible / ineffective etc.
    2 〘フォーマル〙 render assistance (to somebody)
    3 〘フォーマル〙 render a verdict / decision
    4 〘フォーマル〙 (文章・絵などで) …を表現する, 描写する
  • foster
    verb /ˈfɒs.tər/
    ・to take care of a child, usually for a limited time, without being the child’s legal parent:
    ・to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings:
    1 《他》 〘フォーマル〙 <技術・精神など> をはぐくむ, 育成[促進]する
    同意 encourage, promote
    2 a) 《他》 <他人の子供> を里親として養育する
    b) 《自》 里親として養育する → adopt
  • adequate
    adjective /ˈæd.ə.kwət/
    ・enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose:
    1 十分な, 適切な
    同意 sufficient 反意 inadequate
    2 まあまあよい, まずまずの


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